At KISS we train you to become a driving instructor first and pass the tests second. A driving instructor who can coach and teach well will pass the Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) tests. Many people are being trained to simply pass the tests and never qualify because they do not become skilled. We are here to provide you with the highest quality driving instructions in order for you to qualify as a driving coach and as important make a living.
To date we have trained more than 500 driving instructors in London & the South of England.
Rob Tullett, Director, KISS Driving School
Training to become a driving instructor is not rocket science, in fact we keep it simple where others make it complicated. Although we take longer and deliver ten times more driving instructor training you can be earning and building your business quicker with us than most other ADI trainers. We aim to get you earning a living as soon as you have passed your Part 2 practical driving test. To achieve this you simply need to turn up on a weekly basis, train and pass the Part 1 and Part 2 tests.
The national average pass rate for the ADI Part 3 test of instructional ability is roughly 28%. This translates into just over 4,000 people successfully completing their driving instructor training course each year.
In our experience, too many people have failed the three tests simply as a result of insufficient and inadequate ADI training. Too many get just 15-20 hours of one to one practical in-car training for the driving and instructional ability tests assuming they get that far.
It’s our job to break down how to become a driving instructor into simple, bite sized elements which can easily be understood. Our driving instructor training course is very practical and hands on and requires very little home study. We take the pain out of learning with our unique training aides and coaching skills. We will guide you every step of the way towards a successful career as an approved driving instructor. Half of our driving instructors come to us after first paying and signing up with other driving instructor training courses. Then they find that the claims made about the ADI training were exaggerated and proved to be totally inadequate.